Home Automation


Intelligent (human generated) text goes here.

The choice of home automation software employed here at ElectricBrain recently came in to question. Essentially it was time to select and install a system and lights in the this particular relative's family home and so a recommendation was sought. It was then that it became apparent that there was no context around the various (optimistically named) technical "notes" on this site.

It has to be said at the outset that the system here is the result of hacking various bit and pieces together over some years. Lots of the hardware comes from the local hardware store and it's very cheap but surpisingly not nasty. For example the downlights have literally been in service for years with some even operating 24/7.

The system here is based on OpenHAB. Other systems out there include HomeAssistant, Apple Homekit, Amazon Alexa, and Google Home to mention just a handful.

Reasons for failure of home automation systems

  1. System administrator gets sick
    Partner left with unusable home
  2. Internet fails